Terms and regulatory statements
Thank you for your interest in CapVest. Please take some time to read the terms and conditions outlined below. By accessing this website, you agree to be bound by them; should you not agree to these terms and conditions, you should not use the website.
Accuracy of Information
CapVest has taken reasonable care to ensure that all information provided on this website is accurate as at the time it is published. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made with regards to the accuracy or completeness of any content displayed on or contained in this website.
No Offer or Advice
All content displayed on this website is provided solely for general informational purposes only. Nothing on the website should be construed as a solicitation, offer, or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment. Furthermore, nothing on this website should be interpreted as investment advice.
No Liability
To the fullest extent permitted under applicable laws and regulations, CapVest accepts no liability to any party for any claims, costs, liabilities, losses or damages arising from the use of (or inability to use) this website.
Links to Third Party Websites
Any links to third party websites that are embedded in this website are provided because we believe those websites contain information which is relevant to or supplements information contained in this website. CapVest is not in any way responsible for the contents of third-party websites and we accept no liability for any loss or damage that may result from acting upon information displayed on such websites.
Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest is a situation where competing interests exist and the serving of one party’s interest may result in detriment to another party. CapVest, in accordance with FCA Principle 8, has taken appropriate steps to identify, prevent and manage conflicts of interests that may arise, both between the Firm and its clients and between one client and another client. These steps are outlined in the Firm’s Conflict of Interest Policy.
The Firm also maintains a Conflicts Register which contains a summary of the Firm’s conflicts and the procedures in place to manage them. This register is updated to note any conflict identified or if the method for managing an existing conflict is altered.
Governing Law
These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law and you agree that the English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction with regards to any matter or dispute in relation to them.
Contact Us
If you have any questions in relation to anything on this page, please contact compliance@capvest.co.uk.
Environment, Social and Governance
Information about Policies on Integration of Sustainability Risks
Pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (“Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation” or “SFDR”), CapVest Irish Partners Limited (the “Firm”) is required to disclose the manner in which sustainability risks are integrated into the investment process and the results of the assessment of the likely impacts of sustainability risks on the returns of the alternative investment funds under management (“AIFs”).
A sustainability risk is an environmental, social or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of an investment and the returns of the AIFs. Sustainability risks will vary and depend on several factors including but not limited to the type, extent, complexity and duration of the event of condition, prevailing market conditions and the existence of mitigating factors. Sustainability risks could negatively affect the value of a particular investment.
CapVest Partners LLP and the Firm (together “CapVest”) are committed to the ongoing development and integration of environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) aspects and sustainability risks into their operations and those of CapVest investments. The CapVest ESG Policy is guided by various codes and standards, including the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the United Nations Global Compact, and all applicable laws and regulations.
CapVest is committed to responsible investment as a strategy and practice to incorporate sustainability risks into the investment decision-making process and active ownership. Throughout the investment lifecycle, from initial investment screening, through to acquisition and monitoring, and finally at exit, CapVest is guided by its ESG Policy and Sustainability Risk Policy.
Please contact ESG@capvest.co.uk if you have any questions on our approach to integrating ESG factors throughout the investment process.
No Consideration of Principal Adverse Impacts
SFDR requires CapVest Irish Partners Limited to determine whether it considers the principal adverse impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors. The Firm is supportive of the aim of this requirement which is to improve transparency to investors and the market generally as to how to integrate the consideration of the adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. However, it is not currently possible for CapVest Irish Partners Limited to measure in a systematic or consistent manner all of the topics it is obliged by SFDR to report. This is in part because investee companies are not widely obliged to, and overwhelmingly do not currently, report by reference to the same data. On this basis, and due to the size, nature and scale of the AIFs managed by the data on which it would CapVest Irish Partners Limited, it does not consider the principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors at this time. The Firm’s position on this matter will be reviewed annually by reference to market developments.
Remuneration Policy
SFDR requires CapVest Irish Partners Limited to include in its Remuneration Policy information on how its policy is consistent with the integration of sustainability risks.
Remuneration paid to the Independent Directors is currently comprised of a fixed salary component and the other Directors currently do not receive either fixed or variable remuneration due to their affiliation with the Investment Manager. Certain of the Designated Persons receive fixed and variable remuneration. The variable component of remuneration which may be paid would be discretionary and dependent on the performance of the individual and the AIFs in accordance with the Remuneration Policy. Compliance with all the Firm’s policies and procedures, including policies and procedures relating to the impact of sustainability risks on the investment decision-making process, may be taken into account as part of that overall assessment.
Modern Slavery
In accordance with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, CapVest Partners LLP makes the following statement.
The Firm is fully committed to operating its business in a way that ensures the utmost respect for human rights and seeks to comply with current social legislation, industry standards and best practice. All investment opportunities pursued by us take such considerations into account, are subject to due diligence and have met our high standards with regards to modern slavery, servitude, and human trafficking concerns.
Specifically, with regards to Section 54 (Transparency in Supply Chains) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, CapVest commits to follow the UK Home Office’s statutory guidance to ensure best practice is always followed. Furthermore, the Firm continues to monitor guidance from the European Commission following the publication of its Final Report on the Due Diligence Requirements Through the Supply Chain. In both the assessment of potential investment opportunities and in ongoing monitoring of its existing portfolio companies, the Firm uses such guidance to help it in identifying and preventing abuses of human rights, serious bodily injury or health risks, and environmental damage.
Supply Chain
We engage with our suppliers in an effort to prevent modern slavery, servitude and human trafficking. The Firm’s supply chains are relatively simple as they are primarily in relation to professional services, IT, office and facilities management. We therefore do not consider that our relationships with suppliers are likely to give rise to risks associated with modern slavery, servitude and human trafficking.
With regards to the supply chains in the Firm’s portfolio companies (which, for the avoidance of doubt, do not form part of our supply chain), the due diligence conducted at the onset of the investment process seeks to identify any areas that could result in abuses under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
CapVest takes this matter seriously and commits to continually monitor for risk areas in its own supply chain and those of portfolio companies. Any issues that are of concern will be flagged to the Firm’s Compliance team and a full investigation into the matter will be conducted.
UK Stewardship Code
The UK Stewardship Code 2020 (the ‘Code’) was developed by the Financial Reporting Council (“FRC”) and sets out voluntary responsible investment practices for asset owners, asset managers and service providers. CapVest Partners LLP (the ‘Firm’) is required to make a public disclosure about the nature of its commitment to the Code or, where it does not commit to the Code, to disclose its alternative investment strategy.
The Firm does not currently commit to compliance with the Code as its investment strategy does not generally involve listed equities.
This statement will be reviewed and, where necessary, updated in the event of material changes to the investment activities or strategies managed by the Firm.